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Illegal Eviction by Local Authorities

Illegal Eviction by Local Authorities


Illegal eviction occurs when your landlord or someone acting on their behalf forces you to leave your home without following the correct legal procedures. Illegal eviction is most common in the private rented sector, but other occupiers, such as local authority tenants can also be subjected to illegal eviction.


An illegal eviction by local authorities may occur for example, if the local authority fails to follow the correct legal procedure such as by serving an invalid notice which cannot be relied up, before taking possession of the property.


Other instances - though rare in housing provided by local authorities – include;


  • Access to part or all of your home being denied
  • Being physically thrown out of the property
  • Locks being changed in your absence
  • The removal of your belongings from the property
  • Threats to leave


An illegal eviction is a civil matter as yet also a criminal offence and if your landlord has or has tried to illegally evict you they may face serious penalties, including the possibility of imprisonment.


Get in Touch


If you think you have been illegally evicted you should contact our Housing department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors immediately so that we can help you as soon as possible.


We regularly advise clients on illegal eviction matters- and can also advise if the police need to be involved if physical violence has been threatened or the perpetrators have been verbally abusive or threatening.


If you have been illegally evicted do not hesitate to contact one of our dedicated Housing solicitors at Duncan Lewis as soon as possible on 033 3772 0409


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