In cases where a client is facing homelessness because of an unlawful eviction or a possession claim by the landlord, they may be entitled to Legal Aid to fight the eviction. This is means and merits tested.
If a client is not eligible for Legal Aid for a housing or landlord & tenant case, Duncan Lewis may be able to offer a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).
With CFA housing cases, Duncan Lewis also offers a set fee for the initial assessment of a case so that our customers know exactly what they will be paying.
If you are facing eviction we strongly advise that you get in touch with one of our Housing Solicitors as soon as possible.
Our Housing Team at Duncan Lewis solicitors advise both tenants and landlords in housing matters, including possession matters and unlawful evictions.
Duncan Lewis solicitors will also fight for any damages a tenant may be owed as a result of a landlord unlawfully evicting a tenant.
For expert legal advice on Possession Matters or Evictions, do not hesitate to call one of our dedicated housing solicitors at Duncan Lewis on 033 3772 0409.