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Remedies in County Courts

Remedies in County Courts


If you are suffering from disrepair in your rented property and your landlord is failing to carry out their responsibilities to amend the situation you may be able to claim compensation for the issue and/or seek an order from the court instructing your landlord to carry out certain repairs.


Your chances of winning your case will increase significantly if you provide the court with plenty of evidence that proves you notified your landlord of the disrepair and your landlord continued to neglect their responsibilities. The judge will be able to look at the evidence provided which will help him make a decision.


The court could order your landlord to:

  • Complete the repairs by way of injunction
  • Pay you compensation
  • Pay some or all of your legal costs


Whether you rent from the council, the housing association or a private landlord, they will be responsible for the majority of repairs in your home. Your landlord’s responsibilities include;

  • The structure and exterior of the property, including walls, stairs and bannisters, the roof, external doors and windows.
  • Sinks, baths, toilets and other sanitary fittings including pipes and drains
  • Hot water and heating
  • Ventilation, including chimneys
  • Electrical wirings


Your landlord is also responsible for repairing the common areas of a building like entrance halls, stairways and shared kitchens. Any damage to the internal decorations and/or fittings as a result of repair issues must also be corrected by the landlord.


It is a good idea for tenants to check their tenancy agreements in order to ascertain what degree of responsibility your landlord has with regards to repairing or replacing items or appliances that they have provided such as fridges, freezers, washing machines etc.


Your landlord should also ensure the home is free from any hazards that could affect your health. These can include;

  • Damp and mould
  • Overcrowding
  • Faulty gas or electrical items
  • Fire Hazards


As a tenant you will be responsible for minor repairs and maintenance but ultimately it will be your landlord who should ensure that major repairs are undertaken and that the property is fit for purpose.


Get in Touch


At Duncan Lewis Solicitors our Housing team provide guidance for tenants on all housing matters including disrepair issues and taking court action against your landlord.


We are highly experienced at finding solutions to your housing issues and aim to address cases quickly and effectively.


If you think your landlord has been neglectful in his legal obligations to maintain the property and oversee repairs, get in touch with one of our dedicated housing solicitors at Duncan Lewis.


For expert legal advice on Housing Disrepair matters including taking your landlord to court, dealing with disrepair and health and safety in a rented property do not hesitate to call Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors in confidence on 0333 772 0409.


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