Duncan Lewis housing solicitors are one of the leading providers of Legal Aid housing advice in the UK.
In the majority of cases where an applicant is homeless and wishes to challenge their local authorities or appeal a housing decision, they will most likely be eligible for Legal Aid.
If a housing client is not eligible for Legal Aid, Duncan Lewis is usually able to offer a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) and a set fee for the initial assessment of a housing case, so that our clients always know what they will be paying.
Legal Aid is not available for all housing matters, however it does cover many homelessness and other housing matters including;
If you have been made homeless, you will be able to apply to your council for accommodation. Our lawyers can help you with this application and advise you how to proceed once you know the outcome.
We are able to advise on all homelessness matters and suggest that you get in touch with one of our specialist housing solicitors as soon as possible if you are facing or have been made homeless.
For expert legal advice on Housing issues including homelessness matters, do not hesitate to call Duncan Lewis Housing Solicitors in confidence on 0333 772 0409.