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Applying for Bail

Applying for Bail (immigration detention)


The immigration authorities have a duty to grant you bail unless they can prove that there is a good reason for detaining you. The main reasons you may be detained are:

  • You are waiting to be removed from the UK or the outcome of a DAC application
  • The authorities need to establish your identity. This may happen if your identity documents are not available
  • It is likely that you will not comply with the authorities while your application is being decided or you have failed to comply in the past
  • You do not have any close ties (such as relatives or friends in the UK) with whom you could stay with
  • You have previously failed to comply with conditions of your stay, bail or release.
  • You have previously absconded or escaped.
  • You have used or attempted to use deception in a way that leads the Home Office to consider that you may continue to deceive them
  • You have failed to give satisfactory or reliable answers to an Immigration Officer’s


Our experienced immigration solicitors and or Immigration lawyers will be able to present your interests to the immigration tribunal and potentially have you released on bail if you meet the requirements. Our immigration solicitors can advise and assist those who are detained in the Immigration Removal Centres (IRC) or in Prisons across the United Kingdom.


Legal aid may be available to you to make an application for bail.  If you have already made a bail application which was refused you may be able to make a further application if your circumstances have changed. Please contact one of our Immigration solicitors to discuss your application for bail and to see if you qualify for legal aid.


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