A decision by the UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) or more generally by any Public Authority/ Public Body, may be unlawfully delayed if the delay has now become unreasonably long and you have been waiting for a long time for the UKVI to make a decision on your outstanding application. We understand that such delays can have serious negative consequences including financial detriment to you.
The following are common examples of decisions in which the UKVI might delay making a decision:
Often, the only way to force the UKVI/ Public Authority to make a decision is to challenge the delay by way of Judicial Review. We can help you with this.
There could be instances that delay manifests itself in a different form. We often lodge successful Judicial Review proceedings in the following scenarios where there has been a delay by the UKVI/ Public Authority in relation to the following:
If you feel that there has been an unreasonable delay on an immigration or asylum application you have submitted and you have suffered a detriment as a result of the delay please contact Duncan Lewis to speak to an Immigration Solicitor or Immigration Lawyer. Legal aid may be available to bring an action to compel the UKVI to consider your application and for compensation against the UK Visas & Immigration for the loss you have suffered as a result of the delay in deciding your application.