From time to time, financial disagreements factor into whether the parties decide to divorce. One party might be a reckless spender due to over-the-top lifestyle choices. The person might not worry about how the behaviour affects the divorce proceedings.
To avoid financial disarray during divorce talks, one party may file an application with the court to freeze particular assets and a copy of any court order made approving the freezing of assets would go to all parties. The party seeking the court order might need to address his or her financial situation since withdrawing, or trading funds would no longer be possible.
Duncan Lewis High Net Worth Divorce Solicitors offer specialist legal advice on all issues to do with non-disclosure and the freezing of assets in Divorce matters for those individuals with assets in excess of 1 million pounds. For expert legal advice call Duncan Lewis Divorce Solicitors in confidence on 033 3772 0409 or contact us via our online contact form.