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Business Immigration News

Duncan Lewis:Business Immigration

In the wake of the Labour Party Conference we ask - is the UK a hostile immigration environment? (1 October 2018)

Toufique Hossain, Zofia Duszynska, Anthony Okumah, Rebecca Thomas, Nilma Shah, Lynda Reid, Tamara Smillie and I have returned from the Labour Party Conference 2018, where we spent an exciting 4 days meeting a number of prominent MPs and organisations who came to visit our stall at the Exhibition Hall. Now, we are taking time to reflect on what we have learnt from our time there, to help us better understand the issues that are affecting the communities we serve today.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Business Immigration

Lawyers ask Foreign Secretary to Intervene in Diplomatic Row with US over Diego Garcia (1 July 2018)

David Lammy urged to consider asylum seekers left in limbo after Supreme Court hearing planned for this week blocked by US  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Business Immigration

Duncan Lewis Secures Release of Client in Immigration Detention (1 July 2018)

Duncan Lewis’ Immigration team successfully secured the release of a highly vulnerable client from immigration detention  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Business Immigration

Tamana Aziz joins Legal 500 recommended firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors as new Director of Immigration (8 January 2018)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Tamana Aziz as a Director of Immigration. She is also based in Harrow and she will work alongside Vicash Ramkissoon, Zofia Duszynska, Neelam Bangar and Rohena Wallace in leading our Harrow based Immigration team.  Read more...

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