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James Packer , Duncan Lewis , Public Law Solicitor , City of London

James Packer

Director & Solicitor

Profile / Experience

Awards and Recommendations for James Packer
Next-Generation-Partner-2025.jpg Legal 500 Chambers

"James is utterly fearless. He is extremely capable and committed, and his practice is informed by a long experience."

Chambers UK 2025 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, Asylum and Deportation  / UK-wide

"James Packer is very intelligent, and deeply committed to clients with cases at all levels from tribunal to Supreme Court."

Legal 500 2025 Edition.
Administrative and Public Law; Civil Liberties and Human Rights; Immigration: human rights, appeals and overstay / London

James Packer is ranked as a Next Generation Partner in The Legal 500 UK 2025 edition for his Civil Liberties and Human Rights work across London.

Legal 500 2025 Edition.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights / London

"James Packer represents the most vulnerable in society. He is regarded for his litigation prowess in the areas of unlawful detention, enforced removals and trafficking. He has extensive experience in the higher courts, including the Supreme Court and the ECtHR."

Chambers UK 2024 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, Asylum and Deportation  / UK-wide

James Packer is a Recommended Lawyer in The Legal 500 UK 2024 edition of his public law, civil liberties and immigration work across London.

Legal 500 2024 Edition.
Immigration: human rights, appeals and overstay; Administrative and Public Law; Civil Liberties and Human Rights / London

Next Generation Partner, James Packer, is recognised as an "influential figure" in the area of Civil Liberties and Human Rights law.

Legal 500 2024 Edition.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights / London

"James is utterly fearless; he has really good judgement and is very astute."

Chambers UK 2023 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, Asylum and Deportation  / UK-wide

"James Packer is an outstanding public lawyer formidable in negotiation and a tour de force as an advocate in his own right."

Legal 500 2023 Edition.
Administrative and Public Law / London

Recognised as a Next Generation Partner in The Legal 500 2023 edition for his civil liberties and human rights work, James is described as "utterly fearless, fighting for his clients with tenacity, even when the odds seem stacked against him. He has an extremely high level of knowledge and exceptional judgment. He is strongly recommended for tactical high level litigation."

Legal 500 2023 Edition.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights / London

James is ranked as a Next Generation Partner in the 2022 edition of The Legal 500. They comment, "the 'outstanding' James Packer stands out for his expertise in judicial reviews and Court of Appeal cases, with a particular focus on immigration matters."

Legal 500 2022 Edition.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights / London

James is a Recommended Lawyer in the 2022 edition of The Legal 500.

Legal 500 2022 Edition.
Administrative and Public Law; Civil Liberties and Human Rights; Immigration / London

"James Packer successfully filed claims against the Lord Chancellor and the Legal Aid Agency regarding the provision of legal aid, achieving a successful ruling for the backdating of certificates."

Legal 500 2021 Edition.
Public Sector - Administrative and public law / London

James is a Recommended Lawyer in the 2020 edition of The Legal 500.

Legal 500 2020 Edition.
Administrative & Public Law / London

James is a Recommended Lawyer in the 2020 edition of The Legal 500.

Legal 500 2020 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, appeals & overstay / London

James Packer is a Recommended Lawyer in the 2019 edition of The Legal 500 for his work in Immigration: Human Rights and Overstay, London.

Legal 500 2019 Edition.
Immigration / London

James Packer is listed as Recommended Lawyer in the 2019 edition of The Legal 500 for his work in Administrative & Public Law, London and is described as "...an outstanding lawyer who identifies points with ease and precision and thinks tactically."

Legal 500 2019 Edition.
Public Law / London

James is ranked and recommended by Legal 500 2017 as a key name in Civil Liberties

Legal 500 2017 Edition.
Civil Liberties & Human Rights / London

Ranked and recommended by Legal 500 2017 as a notable individual for Public Law.

Legal 500 2017 Edition.
Administrative & Public Law / London

"The brilliant James Packer specialises in Judicial Review."

Legal 500 2017 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, appeals & overstay / London

James Packer of Duncan Lewis & Co is praised by one source for being "very good at the minutiae, at understanding procedure with a very clear grasp of detail." Another notes him as "one of the most impressive solicitors in immigration work, running a high

Chambers UK 2016 Edition.
Immigration / London


Legal 500 2016 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, appeals & overstay / London

Chambers & Partners Guides 2015- Immigration, London described James as 'Exceptionally diligent'. James has been recognised as a Leading Lawyer in the field of Immigration by Chambers UK 2014 & 2015 edition.

Chambers UK 2015 Edition.
Immigration / London

James is also personally recommended in Legal 500 in the immigration category where he described as a 'top-level performer' with an 'exceptional grasp of detail'.

Legal 500 2015 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, appeals & overstay / London

James is recommended in Chambers and Partners for his effective advocacy before immigration tribunals.

Chambers UK 2014 Edition.
Immigration / London


Legal 500 2013 Edition.
Immigration: Human Rights, appeals & overstay / London
I am a Director of the Public Law department at Duncan Lewis Solicitors. I supervise a team of solicitors, trainees and caseworkers all dedicated to representing the most vulnerable in society. I have been consistently recognised in in both Chambers and Partners as "exceptional" and The Legal 500 as an "outstanding lawyer" who "identifies points with ease and precision and thinks tactically". I am currently ranked as a Next Generation Partner and a Recommended Lawyer in the Legal 500 for my work in Public Law, Civil Liberties and Immigration work. I am also ranked in Chambers & Partners for Immigration: Human Rights, Asylum and Deportation.

I initially trained as a barrister (called to the Bar in 1999) - sharing the civil litigation prize at Bar School, and subsequently joined Duncan Lewis, initially in the advocacy team. I was soon appointed supervisor, and began to practise in judicial review. I cross- qualified as a solicitor in 2007. I am now a Solicitor-Advocate (with Higher Rights of Audience in Civil matters) head of department for Public Law, and a Director of the firm.

I litigate across a broad range of areas and regularly conduct test cases concerning issues that involve; access to the Courts, unlawful detention, enforced removals from the United Kingdom, challenges to decisions to refuse legal aid and associated litigation. I am also constantly involved in appealing costs decisions, usually to the Court of Appeal.

I have extensive experience of cases which have been decided in the Administrative Court, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. I have also brought successful challenges to the European Court of Human Rights.

I have regular conduct of major test cases at the highest level, including:
  • a challenge in the House of Lords - a test case concerning the approach where an application meets the Immigration Rules when made, but is refused because the Rules are altered before the application is considered,
  • a successful challenge to Legal Aid regulations preventing payment where the Respondent withdraws a decision after permission is refused on the papers,
  • a successful test case challenging the approach to the award of costs in judicial reviews where matters settle pre-permission,
  • a successful challenge to the operation of the ECF Legal Aid Scheme (for exceptional cases outside the ordinary Legal that he wished to return voluntarily in order that his return could be 'facilitated'.
  • I have experience across the board in challenging detention on all sorts of bases including: SSHD failed to understand our client was British, in another case had a right of abode, in many cases had EC rights to remain, in other cases was unreturnable due to: medical conditions, country conditions or pending family court matters, challenges based upon our clients' mental health making them unsuitable for detention, and innumerable challenges to detention based upon fresh claims for asylum and trafficking issues.

    I am frequently called upon in relation to; technical challenges to the powers of a court; adverse costs and other disciplinary communications from the Court, examples include;
    • Chelvan v Upper Tribunal – test case on wasted costs powers of the Tribunal. Settled after the Court of Appeal granted permission to appeal.
    • Abdulhamid & Ors - a group of cases that successfully challenged the Upper Tribunal’s practice of striking out judicial review claims for a minor infringement of the rules - related cases in the Court of Appeal on statutory appeal and in the Administrative Court. The Tribunal amended its practice, and the cases all settled prior to final hearings.
    Additionally, I write articles for the leading Immigration Law blog Free Movement, as well as for other outlets including a leading article for the Solicitor’s Gazette. I have edited countless articles by other solicitors for publication, and I contributed the chapter on costs in the leading textbook ‘Criminal Judicial Review’ ed. Piers Von Berg. I assisted editing the e-book Costs in Immigration Cases (Colin Yeo). I have also appeared as a legal expert of Radio 5 (prisoner votes and the ECtHR), LBC (NHS charges for pregnant immigrants) and ABN (the Brexit cases). I am also a member of the Administrative Court User group which gives valuable insight into systemic issues.

    I also conduct accredited training in judicial review, costs and funding matters.


    • QLTT (cross-qualifying as a solicitor) 2006
    • Bar Vocational Course 1999
    • Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies 1998
    • BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics 1992


    • Director at Duncan Lewis Solicitors 2008-present
    • Admitted as a Solicitor 2006
    • Duncan Lewis Solicitors 2002-present
    • Legal consultant
    • Called to the Bar 1999


    • "James is an influential member of the team" - Legal 500, 2024
    • "James is exceptional in his ability and his reach." - Chambers and Partners UK, 2023
    • "He is a fantastic lawyer." - Chambers and Partners UK, 2023
    • "James is utterly fearless; he has really good judgement and is very astute." - Chambers and Partners UK, 2023


    • Next Generation Partner - The Legal 500, (2024 - 2022)
    • Recommended Lawyer - The Legal 500, (2024 - 2019)
    • Highly Commended for the Human Rights Lawyer of the Year award at the Law Society Excellence Awards 2021
    • Recognised by Chambers and Partners 2015 for my services in Immigration law
    • Recipient of the Civil Litigation Prize (Bar Vocational Course)

    Notable Cases

    Supreme Court
    • Odelola [2009] UKHL 25 - a landmark House of Lords decision on the status and retrospective effect of the immigration rules.

    Court of Appeal
    • JM (Zimbabwe) – [2018] EWCA Civ 218 - a successful Court of Appeal test case establishing that it is unlawful to prosecute for failure to cooperate in circumstances where the charge amounted to a refusal to lie

    • AB [2017] EWCA Civ 59 - an important test case about the correct approach where earlier decisions, although apparently lawful at the time are later shown to be flawed

    • NEA (Nigeria) – [2017] EWCA Civ 239 - Court of Appeal test case on the impact of new immigration rules.

    • King's Lynn and West Norfolk Council v Bunning [2016] EWCA Civ 1037 – challenge to refusal to award costs to a Defendant who successfully resists committal for contempt of court

    • ZA (Iraq) [2015] EWCA Civ 168 - an important success in the Court of Appeal, clarifying the basis of assessment of whether continuing immigration detention is ‘reasonable’

    • Seherwet [2015] EWCA Civ 1141 - a Court of Appeal decision that overturned a refusal to admit our client to the UK in order to address MPs and peers - the only judicial review ever to succeed on the basis that a refusal to allow a visit to the UK would breach Article 10 (freedom of expression)

    • Akpinar [2014] EWCA Civ 1363 - a Court of Appeal test case concerning the approach to the previous caselaw of the ECtHR following changes to deportation legislation

    • Gudanavicine [2014] EWCA Civ 352 - a landmark Court of Appeal decision that vastly improved access to legal aid where cases fall outside of mainstream legal aid funding

    • AL (Albania) [2012] EWCA Civ 710 - a Court of Appeal decision that held that the Bahta approach should apply equally to statutory appeals.

    • Bahta [2011] EWCA Civ 895 - a Court of Appeal decision that revised the costs rules where judicial review litigation settles prior to a final hearing.

    • Anwar & Anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] - EWCA Civ 1275 test case on the status of appeal decisions, where it later transpires that the court lacked jurisdiction.

    • Odelola [2009] UKHL 25 - a landmark House of Lords decision on the status and retrospective effect of the immigration rules.

    High Court

    Civil Court
    • TN (Vietnam) v SSHD - Test case on the effect of a legal representative withdrawing an appeal without the client's agreement. I was the advocate in the Upper Tribunal. Case Details

    • TPN (FtT appeals – withdrawal) Vietnam [2017] UKUT 00295 (IAC) - Test case on the effect of a legal representative withdrawing an appeal without the client's agreement. I was the advocate in the Upper Tribunal.

    Membership & Accreditations

    • Solicitor Advocate - Higher Rights of Audience (Civil)
    • Level 3 (Advanced) Immigration & Asylum Scheme
    • Administrative Court User Group
    • ILPA


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