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Child Care Videos

What is a Supervision Order?

Date when Video was Published: 17/10/2023

Script for the above Video

A Supervision Order imposes a duty on the designated Local Authority to “advise, assist and befriend” the child. In some circumstances, a Supervision Order will allow the child to continue living in the family home, or reside with a family member, whilst being supervised by the Local Authority. A Supervision Order can be made within Care Proceedings or can be made where the child is subject of a Child Arrangements Order and the criteria for such an order is met. Supervision Orders are often made at the conclusion of care proceedings or when a Special Guardianship order is made so that the Local Authority can remain involved and review matters with the family for a set period. A supervision order does not allow the Local Authority to share parental responsibility with the parents/ guardian of the child. The Court can only make a care order if they are satisfied that the threshold criteria is met; namely that the child concerned is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm; and that the harm, or likelihood of harm, is attributable to the care given to the child, or likely to be given to him if the order were not made, not being what it would be reasonable to expect a parent to give to him; or the child’s being beyond parental control. Interim Supervision orders are usually made whilst the court proceedings are ongoing, usually up to 26 weeks or more. Final supervision orders are made for a set period of up to one year, but they are usually made for 6 to 12 months. A Supervision Order may be extended each year to a total of 3 years. A Supervision Order will automatically expire when the child reaches the age of 18. Duncan Lewis Solicitors have specialist solicitors who represent clients in this niche area of law. Please visit our website or call us directly on 033 3772 0409

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This video content was created on 17/10/2023 to provide an overview of the legal position and the information was correct at the time this video was created. This video has been produced for purposes of generic information and marketing purposes only. While the information on this site is about legal issues, it is not intended as legal advice or as a substitute for the particularised advice of your own legal advisor. Please consult one of our lawyers to provide you with advice and assistance on any matters touched on this video. Viewing of this video does not create legally binding advice and does not create a retainer with Duncan Lewis Solicitors. This video is Copyrighted at Duncan Lewis Solicitors 2023. Any illegal reproduction of this content is prohibited and will result in immediate legal action.

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