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Welfare Benefits Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
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Tough new questions for EU migrants added to habitual residence test (20 December 2013)

As the time for lifting the transitional controls on Romanians and Bulgarians draws near, the government is rushing through the addition of 100 new questions to the habitual residence test.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Welfare Benefits

Fraud investigators use Facebook photos to expose benefits cheat (5 December 2013)

Fraud squad investigators exposed a topless model as a benefits cheat after using social media to ascertain that she had been fraudulently claiming income support as a single parent despite living with her finance.  Read more...

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Mother spared jail over £37k benefit fraud because of children (2 December 2013)

A court in Birmingham has spared a woman who claimed more than £37,000 of taxpayers’ money in a housing benefit scam because of the effect sending her to jail would have on her children, aged six and four.  Read more...

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£70,000 benefits fraud, after woman secretly buries dead husband and carries on claiming (2 December 2013)

A woman secretly buried the body of her disabled husband and carried on claiming benefits for him.  Read more...

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Judges reject benefit cap legal challenge (6 November 2013)

Senior judges have rejected a legal challenge by three single mothers and their children against the government^s benefit cap policy that imposes a £500 weekly limit on benefits for lone parents that do not qualify for working tax credit.  Read more...

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Benefit Fraud Prison Sentences to be increased to 10 years (16 September 2013)

Benefit Fraud Prison Sentences to be increased to 10 years: Has there been sufficient consideration of the effectiveness of these measures  Read more...

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The ‘Benefits Cap’ Explained: What you can do about it. By Daniel Anderson (13 May 2013)

The coalition government has made a number of changes to the benefits system and perhaps the most drastic change is the so-called “Benefits Cap”. The Benefits Cap is aimed at limiting the total amount of benefits that some households can receive and is based on the premise that those who are in work will never be worse off than those who remain solely on benefits.  Read more...

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The newly introduced Housing Benefit ‘Bedroom Tax’ explained and why legal advice may be needed (29 April 2013)

There has been much publicity recently surrounding the Housing Benefit “Bedroom Tax” which was recently introduced. From 6 April 2013 the amount of Housing Benefit a social rented tenant (i.e. those in Local Authority or Housing Association properties) of working age can receive will be reduced in cases of deemed under-occupancy.  Read more...

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