Solicitor Aisha Ahmed and trainee solicitor Suzanne Abdulhadi both from Duncan Lewis’ Immigration Department are travelling to Lebanon with the UK charity; Muslim Charity to take part in the One Ummah Tour which will see them volunteering at Syrian refugee camps.
The conflict in Syria has seen millions of refugees displaced in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Greece, Jordan and other European countries. Muslim Charity has been supporting Syrian refugees through emergency food, medical aid, supporting orphans, widows, schools and hospitals ever since the conflict began.
As part of the five day tour, Aisha and Suzanne will be distributing aid in Arsal Refugee Camp, visiting and supporting a school and supporting vulnerable and orphaned children. Over the next five days, Aisha and Suzanne will be documenting their experiences and sharing their journey via a blog series, the first of which can be read below.
Wednesday 6th February 2019
Today we begin our journey to visit Syrian refugees living in camps in Lebanon. With suitcases full of clothes and toys in tow, we embark on what we imagine will be an eye-opening experience.
Our purpose is clear: we want to show solidarity and give support to those who have left their homes and, in many cases, their families and travelled across borders to safety. We want to meet with these brave women, men and children and hear their experiences in their own words without the distortion of bias.
We want them to know that their voices are being heard.
As lawyers working in the fields of humanitarian protection and human rights, we work with individuals seeking protection in the UK on a daily basis. Seeing the reality on the ground will give us perspective and insight to help better understand the circumstances of those we help in the UK.
There are many such trips from the UK every year, with people from all backgrounds and professions eager to participate. Our trip is organised by a UK based charity, Muslim Charity who have been working in the region for many years providing aid and humanitarian relief.
The charity asked that we raise a minimum of £1,000 each. We managed to exceed this with the help of some generous donors. As a team of 13 we have raised over £35,000. These funds will be used for winter aid, school equipment, a computer lab for a school and other essential aid.
Our schedule in Lebanon includes visits to the Ketermaya refugee camp on day one where we will distribute winter aid and visit the camp school, and the Aarsal camp on days two and three. We will be providing daily updates and welcome you to follow along with us on our journey.
The trip is self-funded and Duncan Lewis kindly contributed towards our travel costs. We are fundraising for the charity to provide food packs, a computer lab for the children, school stationery, a mobile clinic, renovation of an education centre and general winter aid including blankets, mattresses and warm clothing.
We have a busy day tomorrow, visiting the Ketermaya camp and Muslim Charity sponsored orphan children, we are eager to begin our work for this worthwhile cause and hopefully make a difference to those who need it most.
If you would like to donate, please visit our page at
Any donation, of any amount, will go a long way to helping those in need.
Thank you for your support.