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Housing News

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Landlord Discovers True Cost of Instructing Unauthorised Advisers (12 July 2022)

A possession claim was dismissed after the judge accepted that the Section 21 Notice was invalid and criticised the conduct of those assisting the Claimant.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Housing disrepair causing you mental health issues? It’s time to fight back (13 May 2022)

An estimated 14 million people live in poorly maintained homes and more than a fifth of adults have reported suffering physical or mental health issues as a result of housing problems.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Local Authority ignores High Court Order and leaves vulnerable refugee to sleep in a van (8 April 2022)

The authority now faces being in contempt of court but does late compliance to an order mean it can escape the failure being regarded as a breach?  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Rare housing appeal could set a precedent for disrepair claims (22 March 2022)

A housing disrepair case which could have a major impact on damages claims in future disputes between landlords and tenants will be heard by the Court of Appeal this week.  Read more...

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