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Housing News

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Rights of Way - Landowners Take Note (1 July 2008)

Landowners who wish to prevent their land becoming part of the public highway should take note of two recent decisions in the House of Lords.

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When is a Lease Created? (25 June 2008)

Tenants have significant rights compared with occupiers of premises whose occupation is by virtue of a licence, so it is sometimes important   Read more...

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Easements and Covenants - Changes to the Law Proposed (20 June 2008)

The law relating to covenants, easements and ^profits à prendre^ over land is a relatively complex area given that such rights are common - the Land Registry has suggested that nearly two thirds of properties have some sort of easement over them and nearly 80 per cent have a covenant of some sort.   Read more...

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Country Landowners - Something to Cheer (15 June 2008)

Following a recent ruling of the Court of Appeal, country landowners will have something to cheer about. The judgment means that hundreds of applications made by councils representing off-roaders and other users, for right of way over rural tracks, are likely to fail.  Read more...

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Buying a House and Consumer Protection (3 June 2008)

With the advent of Home Information Packs (HIPs), the appointment of an Ombudsman for Estate Agents (OEA), the laying down in statute of the duties of estate agents and the recent passing of the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007 (CEARA), a property purchaser might reasonably conclude that their interests are strongly protected under the law.   Read more...

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Construction Dispute – Get it in Writing (31 May 2008)

Attempting to settle a construction dispute by the use of an adjudicator often seems to create more problems than it solves  Read more...

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Site Waste Management Plans (14 May 2008)

Construction Industry clients are reminded that the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 came into force on 6 April 2008.   Read more...

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E-Conveyancing on the Way (7 April 2008)

Plans to update the conveyancing process in England and Wales have been ongoing since 1998  Read more...

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Tenant Beware (19 February 2008)

When there are problems relating to defects in premises that are let, the tenant will normally try to obtain redress through the repairing covenant.  Read more...

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Who Doesn't Need a HIP? (18 January 2008)

Home Information Packs (HIPs) are now required for most residential properties put on the market, but the list of exceptions to the rule  Read more...

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