From Monday 1st October 2018 the number of multiple occupancy properties (“HMOs”) that were previously required to be registered will almost triple as a result of new government rules set to come into force. Read more...
With more and more people renting properties than ever, it is no surprise that information can be miscommunicated, leaving many tenants confused about what rights they may or may not have. Read more...
A number of specialist legal practitioners and housing charities have revealed that many seeking housing when fleeing domestic abuse are being left with no choice but to live in poor quality accommodation. Read more...
More than a year on from the Grenfell Tower fire which saw 72 people killed, the Grenfell Tower Inquiry is still ongoing in order to decipher exactly what went wrong on 14th July 2017. Read more...
10th October marks the eighth annual World Homeless Day, an initiative set up to help highlight the difficulties homeless people have to endure and find ways of combatting and ending homelessness. Read more...
Aims to give tenants greater support in holding their landlords to account is being considered as part of new government proposals on social housing. The Green Paper would include speeding up the complaints procedure and publishing a league table to highlight the performance of landlords. The plans are part of the government’s "fundamental rethink" on social housing following the tragic events of Grenfell. Read more...
A recent study carried out by the government has revealed that, alarmingly, fire doors made by five different suppliers have failed fire safety tests and have been withdrawn from the market. The likelihood is that doors across the country will need to be replaced as soon as possible. Read more...
Survivors of domestic abuse and their children were found to be sleeping rough after being unable to find safe accommodation says charity Women’s Aid. Women’s Aid stated that the survey of some of the most vulnerable women who have sought out help from the charity were unable to access refuge immediately, with 12% of women forced to sleep rough before making contact, including pregnant women and women with children. Read more...
Following a recent ruling in the Court of Appeal, homeowners can now sue neighbours if the nuisance plant, Japanese knotweed (Fallopia Japonica) encroaches on their land. Read more...
Japanese Knotweed is an extremely invasive plant with a bamboo like stem which can spread rapidly causing damage to building foundations, wall structures, and paving. Homeowners are entitled to claim damages for diminution of value or any loss suffered as a result of the Japanese Knotweed, injunction against re-infestation, and costs of removal. Read more...
One in three millennials are set never to own. But despite renting being characterised by less security there are still protections for tenants. For all the talk of millennials being spoilt and entitled, young people are the ones facing a lifetime in insecure and often expensive rented accommodation. Read more...
In order to deal with the ever-growing housing crisis, England will need to build 4m new homes, resulting in calls for the government to dramatically increase funding. Read more...
A committee of MP’s have decided that landlords should have their properties confiscated if they exploit their tenants. Read more...
At least 78 homeless people died on the UK streets and in temporary accommodation during the winter, taking the number of recorded homeless deaths to over 300 since 2013. Read more...
Housing Secretary, Sajid Javid is facing increasing pressure to tighten planning laws after a legal loophole that housing developers have been exploiting throughout England is exposed in a report. Read more...
Since 2011, 700,000 households have been removed from waiting lists for social housing across England after the implementation of the Localism Act 2011, granting greater powers to councils enabling them to limit access to social housing. Read more...
Over 300,000 properties rented by under 35s in England are so squalid that they are likely to cause serious harm, putting nearly 500,000 tenants in danger. Read more...
According to Housing Secretary, Sajid Javid MP, housing developers should be responsible for addressing noise issues. Read more...