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Housing Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
Duncan Lewis:Housing

Unclear Drafting Blamed for Dispute Over Right of Way (12 April 2010)

A recent case in the Court of Appeal illustrates how disputes can arise between neighbours as a result of ambiguous drafting of legal documents. In this case, the dispute concerned the owners of neighbouring properties that had originally been one parcel of land. When the owner died, the property was divided according to the terms of her will. The consents which conveyed the land to the beneficiaries were unclear, however.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Unclear Drafting Blamed for Dispute Over Right of Way (12 April 2010)

A recent case in the Court of Appeal illustrates how disputes can arise between neighbours as a result of ambiguous drafting of legal documents. In this case, the dispute concerned the owners of neighbouring properties that had originally been one parcel of land. When the owner died, the property was divided according to the terms of her will. The consents which conveyed the land to the beneficiaries were unclear, however.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

No Duty of Care Owed to Social Housing Tenants (12 April 2010)

A recent Court of Appeal decision considered whether a local authority had a duty of care towards its social housing tenants.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Hypothetical Tenant Doesn’t Count (12 April 2010)

When vacating premises at the end of a lease, the maximum amount of the tenant’s liability for dilapidations under the dilapidations clause will be based on the difference in value of the leased property in its repaired and unrepaired states.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Housing

Hypothetical Tenant Doesn’t Count (12 April 2010)

When vacating premises at the end of a lease, the maximum amount of the tenant’s liability for dilapidations under the dilapidations clause will be based on the difference in value of the leased property in its repaired and unrepaired states.  Read more...

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