Immigration director Zofia Duszynska and trainee solicitor Saul Stone were delighted to be invited to address the Medaille Trust Annual Conference on Friday 30 November on immigration issues facing victims of trafficking and modern slavery. Read more...
On Thursday 22nd November 2018, Dr Suthaharan Nadarajah, of SOAS University of London, attended our Dalston office to deliver training on ‘Sri Lanka: Permanent counterinsurgency, and the Tamil threat abroad’. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors have successfully appealed the decisions of the Home Office to deprive two men of their British citizenship. As the appeals involved matters of national security, they were heard by the secretive court, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC). The Commission, chaired by Mr Justice Jay, allowed the appeals of the two men, anonymised as E3 and N3, on the basis that the deprivation orders had rendered them stateless. Read more...
The judgment in R (FB and NR) v SSHD (JR/9948/2017 and JR/9949/2017), was handed down on 31st October 2018. The Upper Tribunal (UT) found the Home Office removals policy (‘Judicial reviews and injunctions’, Version v15.0) to be unlawful in several respects, as detailed below. Read more...
Ahmed Aydeed, a solicitor and director at Duncan Lewis Solicitors, spoke as a panel member on Medical Expert Evidence in Immigration and Public Law at a seminar held at Matrix Chambers on 30 October 2018. Read more...
As a firm, Duncan Lewis currently represents a number of individuals who are subject to immigration control, but are detained within the prison estate as opposed to within immigration removal centres. We have commenced judicial review proceedings on their behalf, primarily arguing that the Lord Chancellor, the Director of Legal Aid Casework and/or the Secretary of State for the Home Department are squarely discriminating against those held under immigration powers who are detained within prisons when compared to detainees in immigration removal centres. Read more...
We are pleased to announce that director of public law and immigration, Toufique Hossain, has received outstanding recognition in The Legal 500 2018-2019 edition, receiving recommendations in four practice areas, including being ranked as a ‘Next Generation Lawyer’ for Administrative and Public Law in London. Read more...
It is our pleasure to announce that our Cardiff Immigration Director, Vinita Templeton has been ranked as a ‘Leading Individual’ in the 2019 edition of The Legal 500 for her fantastic contributions in the Human Resources: Immigration, Wales category. Read more...
On Tuesday 16th October, a number of our specialist legal practitioners attended the Waging Peace legal clinic at Garden Court Chambers to provide advice for individuals who needed to know the best steps to take in their legal matter. Read more...
Following legal proceedings the Home Office have backed down and agreed to the appointment of the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) to undertake a bespoke and independent Article 3 ECHR-compliant investigation into abuse of detainees at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) that was exposed by a BBC Panorama documentary in September 2017. Read more...
Yesterday, 4th October, the Court of Appeal has handed down a landmark judgment pertaining to the detention of individuals under Dublin III Regulation. The conjoined hearing of appeals related to three judgments that covered the cases of five individuals who were placed in detention for periods pending possible removal to other EU Member States pursuant to the asylum claim arrangements under the so-called Dublin III Regulation. Read more...
Toufique Hossain, Zofia Duszynska, Anthony Okumah, Rebecca Thomas, Nilma Shah, Lynda Reid, Tamara Smillie and I have returned from the Labour Party Conference 2018, where we spent an exciting 4 days meeting a number of prominent MPs and organisations who came to visit our stall at the Exhibition Hall. Now, we are taking time to reflect on what we have learnt from our time there, to help us better understand the issues that are affecting the communities we serve today. Read more...
We are delighted to announce that Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ Naim Hasani has been shortlisted for the Human Rights Lawyer of the Year award at the 2018 Law Society Excellence Awards. Read more...
On 6th May 2018, a group of legal representatives from the Duncan Lewis Luton office embarked on a journey to Calais, France, with the hope of putting our skills into action to help a charity called Refugee Community Kitchen operating on ground in Calais. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors is proud to announce that Public Law and Immigration Director, Bahar Ata, has been selected as a finalist for the Legal Expert Award at the CILEx National Awards 2018. The awards ceremony will be presented on the 6th September 2018 at the stunning Underglobe, Shakespeare Globe Theatre, London. The CILEx National Awards Ceremony will showcase and celebrate the excellent work, and achievements, of CILEx members and stakeholder partners. Read more...
On 27 June, Patrick Page, a senior caseworker in the public law department at Duncan Lewis spoke at Parliament about his experience advising and assisting children in the Calais ‘Jungle’ on their applications to come to the UK under the ‘Dubs Amendment’. After the screening of ‘Calais Children: A Case to Answer’, Patrick remembered how, when he and his colleagues spent time in the Jungle, the children they spoke to were ‘trying’ every night to board lorries, risking their lives to enter the UK; some had been trying for over a year and had bruises and cuts to show for it. Conversely, when Patrick and his team returned to the UK, they were required only to show their passports to the border guards, and half an hour later they were in Dover. He concluded that until countries like the UK opened their borders, tens of thousands of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children would continue to remain in limbo, vulnerable to exploitation. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors is proud to announce that Immigration solicitor, Javeria Ijaz, has been shortlisted for the Rising Star in Law award at the 7th English Asian Business Awards 2018. The awards ceremony will be presented on the 17th of July at the Mercure Manchester, Piccadilly Hotel, Manchester. These awards aim to celebrate and showcase the achievements of Asian men and woman who greatly contribute to their industries. Read more...
Howard Cheng, Solicitor of the Immigration and Public Law departments of Duncan Lewis Solicitors, is representing a national of Somalia and has obtained a reprieve against his removal to Hargeisa, from where the Home Office claims he originates. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors has been granted permission to proceed with a judicial review challenge against the on-going immigration detention of a vulnerable EEA national detainee. Due to ill health, the detainee has been recognised as an ‘adult at risk’ under the Home Office’s policy guidance. Read more...
We are pleased to announce that Immigration Trainee Solicitor Lavinia Wasserman was a finalist at the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) True Honours Awards 2018. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors is proud to announce that Immigration solicitor, Javeria Ijaz, has been shortlisted as a finalist for the award for Services to Law at the British Muslim Awards 2018. The awards ceremony will be presented by Al Rayan Bank on 31st January 2018 at the Bradford Hotel in Bradford. These awards aim to acknowledge and honour British Muslims across the UK whose achievements set them out as the best in their industry. Read more...
Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Tamana Aziz as a Director of Immigration. She is also based in Harrow and she will work alongside Vicash Ramkissoon, Zofia Duszynska, Neelam Bangar and Rohena Wallace in leading our Harrow based Immigration team. Read more...