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Immigration News

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Sheroy Zaq talks on the Voice of Islam’s Breakfast Show about the detention and forced removal of EU citizens following Brexit (14 November 2017)

Sheroy Zaq, Public Law and Immigration solicitor at Duncan Lewis, was invited to talk on the Voice of Islam’s Breakfast Show on the 2nd November about the way that the UK government are serving decisions to detain individual EU nationals by working alongside the police and homeless charities to target those EU nationals that they suspect to be sleeping rough.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis to assist in new Legal Clinic at King’s College London (20 October 2017)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors is proud to announce its involvement in King’s College London’s (KCL) Legal Clinic. The firm will be offering regular free immigration and asylum advice at the KCL, which is located on the Strand, offering assistance and support to law students at KCL in advising clients in need of specialist immigration advice.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis involved in successful High Court Challenge to Home Office Policy on Detention of Victims of Torture (11 October 2017)

In a judgment handed down on the 10th October 2017, the Home Office was told that its policy regarding how it defines those who have suffered torture is unlawful, for the purposes of identifying those who are vulnerable and at risk in detention.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Tier 1 – The ‘Genuine Entrepreneur’ Test (25 August 2017)

Entrepreneurs are usually in a league of their own. Admirably so, as they show capacity and willingness to develop and manage a business venture along with any of its risks to make a profit. Talent and drive has led to the success of many notable entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, JP Morgan and Coco Chanel, just to name a few  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

High Court rules detention of torture victim in Detained Fast Track unlawful (21 August 2017)

The High Court has ruled, in YA v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] EWHC 2135, that it was unlawful for the Home Office to detain YA, a torture victim who provided indicators of vulnerability, including a letter from the Helen Bamber Foundation that stated the detainee’s case merited further clinical investigation  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

A bottle of sand from Jordan (21 August 2017)

‘Do I need to sell my bracelets?’ asked Sham at our first meeting. ‘I have been selling all my jewellery bit by bit to support my family since we left Syria. These are all I have left. Shall I sell them to pay your fee?’  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

New hope for Article 3 medical cases (18 August 2017)

Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights prevents removal from the UK to a country where there are substantial grounds for believing an individual will face a real risk of serious harm including torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

The forgotten: Legal Limbo Faced by Asylum Seekers requiring Mental Health support (17 August 2017)

Many migrants with no status that have fled their country of origin due to torture, violence and/or the fear of persecution will escape to countries which are globally perceived as havens of justice, equality and liberty  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

The Plight of the Hungarian Roma (4 August 2017)

I recently assisted a Hungarian Roma (gypsy) in his immigration appeal against the Secretary of State’s decision to remove him to Hungary on the basis of his Article 3 ECHR grounds. Initially I couldn’t fathom that the treatment of Roma people in my home country of Hungary, an EU country, could be so bad. However, after my client’s flight was stopped, I felt a sudden curiosity to explore the plight of the Hungarian gypsies and the type of discrimination they are subject to on a daily basis  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Naim Hasani’s presentation at UCL Conference (12 July 2017)

Naim Hasani, immigration and public law consultant solicitor with Duncan Lewis Solicitors, participated at a conference on Albanian asylum seekers on Tuesday 6 June 2017. The conference, ‘Walking a tightrope’: Exploring hidden issues, challenges and complexities surrounding the protection needs of unaccompanied minors from Albania living in the United Kingdom, took place at University College London  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Athens - May 2017 (11 July 2017)

Sondos Arafa spent a week in Athens helping asylum seekers as part of the ILPA (Immigration Practitioners Association) Athens Legal Support project. The project is a pilot scheme aimed at sending volunteer asylum lawyers to Greece to provide legal advice and assistance  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

The Jungle: A Reflection. (11 July 2017)

In October 2016, I travelled on two occasions to the Refugee Camp in Calais, known as the ‘Jungle’ with my colleagues. The camp was due to be destroyed imminently in a collaborative effort between the French and British governments. This destruction left thousands of asylum seekers who dreamed of seeking refuge in the United Kingdom homeless and in limbo  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis send lawyers to the Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement in Uganda (11 July 2017)

This July, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are sending Toufique Hossain, Director of Public Law, and Patrick Page, a caseworker in that department, to work in the Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement of central Uganda  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Public Law director Toufique Hossain is shortlisted for Immigration and Asylum Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year (25 May 2017)

Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce that Public Law Director Toufique Hossain has been shortlisted for Immigration and Asylum Lawyer of the Year at the forthcoming Legal Aid Practitioners Group Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year (LALY) Awards  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis sends team of Solicitors to ILPA Athens Legal Advice (3 May 2017)

A group of solicitors from Duncan Lewis took part in pilot scheme run by the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (IPLA) to help asylum seekers in Greece  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Ahmed Aydeed discusses the issue of people trafficking from Vietnam (Channel News Asia) (2 May 2017)

Ahmed Aydeed was interviewed by Channel News Asia for a special video feature about the plight of the victims who have been trafficked from Vietnam  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Immigration Asylum Chamber to treat Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ asylum appeal as a Libya Country Guidance case (20 April 2017)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors is currently representing a Libyan national in an asylum appeal against a decision by the Secretary of State dated September 2015 for the Home Department to refuse asylum  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Integrate then Leave: The Precarious Status of Unaccompanied Afghan Asylum Seeking Children in the UK (13 April 2017)

The story is familiar but that does not make it any less shocking. I am speaking with a client who now has the threat of forced removal to Afghanistan hanging over him. He may be in a detention centre, told that he is to be removed in a couple of days. He is terrified that every time he reports, he may be detained.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Patrick Page discusses detention centres in Malta (ABN) (7 April 2017)

Patrick was invited to ABN to discuss the state of detention centres in the most popular arrival destinations for refuges in Europe. Having spent time visiting a detention centre in Malta Patrick focused his discussion on the knowledge he garnered from this  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors appoints Rohena Wallace as Director of Public Law & Immigration and Zofia Duszynska as Director of Immigration (30 March 2017)

We are pleased to announce the appointments of Rohena Wallace as Director of Public Law & Immigration and Zofia Duszynska as Director of Immigration  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Lord Dubs meets Dubs 67 child at the Houses of Parliament (24 March 2017)

On 15th March, seven refugee children were invited to Parliament by Citizens UK, where they met their local MPs and Lord Dubs, the man who sponsored a crucial amendment to the Immigration Act 2016 that allowed for the safe passage of unaccompanied refugee children to the UK at a time when the European migrant crisis was at its peak  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Zofia Duszynska celebrates International Women’s Day (23 March 2017)

On Tuesday 7 March Zofia was delighted to be invited by Norton Rose Fulbright to join a panel discussing the distinct issues facing women and child refugees  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

The Punishment Room: Challenging the Abusive Use of Segregation in Immigration Detention (13 March 2017)

Pamela* had just had a shower and was still in her underwear, applying moisturiser, when the immigration officers came into her room to remove her from the UK. Our client refused to be taken to the airport, as she still had an outstanding application for leave to remain in the UK, so the officers tried to remove her by force, one grabbed her neck and head, pushing these down towards her chest and blocking her windpipe. ‘I was filled with fear and tried to get out of her grip,’ Pamela told us, ‘I kept telling her “I cannot breathe” but she continued to push my head towards my chest. Eventually I stopped trying to get out of her grip and fell to the floor’  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Merton Compliant Age Assessments (10 March 2017)

When an unaccompanied minor child enters the UK seeking asylum, some would have their age disputed by the authorities, and would have to be subject to an age assessment by the relevant Local Authorities. Normally, such referrals would be made by the Home Office before any decision can be taken on the asylum claims  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Supreme Court grants permission to appeal in Nationality Appeals (7 March 2017)

On 27th February 2017 two clients of Duncan Lewis Immigration Consultant Solicitor Naim Hasani were granted permission to appeal to the Supreme Court in three linked nationality cases. This matter looks to clarify when it is appropriate to deprive an individual of British nationality or treat the citizenship claim as a nullity, in cases where the individual has obtained citizenship by way of impersonation, fraud and/or concealment of a material fact. The cases are lined up to set a precedent for future decisions regarding nationality claims via naturalization as a result of false representations  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

‘REJECT-NO FAM’: our fight for the abandoned children of Calais (20 February 2017)

The Calais ‘Jungle’ in early October 2016 was tense and dangerous. As Dan Tucker from Social Workers Without Borders (SWWB) put it, ‘the most creative of poets could not encapsulate the frustration and prolonged misery of that place’. The French authorities had announced their intention to destroy the camp, but none of the residents knew when this was due to happen, or where they would go.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Ahmed Aydeed discusses the Dubs Amendment on ABN Radio (20 February 2017)

The Dubs Amendment, named after its key proponent Lord Dubs who was rescued, via the kindertransport network, from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia when he was six, legislated that the government would have to ‘make arrangements to relocate to the United Kingdom and support a specified number of unaccompanied refugee child from other countries in Europe’  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Vinita Templeton is invited to discuss the position of client Bashir Naderi’s current legal battle on BBC Radio Wales on Friday 27th of January (31 January 2017)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ Cardiff Immigration team, headed by Director of Immigration, Vinita Templeton, discloses position of client Bashir Naderi’s current legal battle  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors appoints Bahar Ata as Director of Public Law & Immigration for Luton Office (19 January 2017)

Legal 500 “Leading Law Firm” Duncan Lewis are pleased to announce the appointment of Bahar Ata as Director of Public Law & Immigration for our Luton Office.  Read more...

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