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Immigration News

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Government U-turn on 500% increase in immigration tribunal fees (2 December 2016)

The Government has changed its position and reversed the 500% increase in tribunal fees for immigration appeals that commenced on 10 October 2016.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors Receives Prestigious Pro Bono Nomination for Dublin III Calais Work (16 November 2016)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors has been nominated as part of a legal collective for PILnet’s 2016 European Award for Exemplary Partnership in the Public Interest, specifically for its work on reuniting unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors across Europe with their family members in the UK under the EU Dublin Regulation.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Siân Pearce discusses how previously dismissed Judicial Reviews can be effectively resurrected (14 November 2016)

On 27 October 2016 an order was made by the Upper Tribunal setting aside a previous order to dismiss the applicant’s application for Judicial Review of an Age Assessment. The original order was on the basis that the Applicant was not present or instructing his solicitors to take part in proceedings. The Order setting aside the dismissal was made 10 months after the application was dismissed.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis' Eleri Haf Davies goes to TUMACO: Colombia's forgotten territory (8 November 2016)

In August 2016, Duncan Lewis’ Public Law Caseworker Eleri Haf Davies was invited to join the International Jurists Commission, Caravana Colombia, to undertake research into the human rights situation in Colombia.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

James Packer appeared on ABN Radio to discuss Theresa May’s crackdown on so-called ‘Health Tourism’ (24 October 2016)

James Packer was invited on ABN Radio to discuss Theresa May’s recent remarks in parliament concerning pregnant women. In NHS hospitals, there are proposals that pregnant women are set to be forced to show their passports before receiving treatment.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Theresa May: UK to be at the forefront of the fight against human trafficking, but what of the victims left behind? (13 October 2016)

Prime Minister Theresa May has called for the UK to lead the global fight against human trafficking, but is this noble battle detracting from the lack of support for victims that have been left behind?   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Toufique Hossain spoke at Goldsmiths University Conference about developing Afghan protection claims to safeguard unaccompanied children (27 September 2016)

Recommended by Legal 500 2016 Edition as a ‘genuine star’ in his field, Toufique Hossain, Director of Public Law and Immigration at Duncan Lewis, spoke at the ^Uncertain Journeys^ conference at Goldsmiths University on Thursday 15th September. The conference covered new strategies and initiatives for the support of unaccompanied and separated children. Toufique spoke about last year’s legal work in stopping mass charter flights to Afghanistan and the current work in developing and preparing Afghan protection claims which may affect unaccompanied children.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Top Tier Law Firm Duncan Lewis appoints ‘Leading Lawyer’ Vinita Templeton and Bernadette Adusei as Directors of Immigration (23 September 2016)

Ranked as Top-Tier firm by Legal 500 2016 Edition for its Immigration Human Rights practices in London and Cardiff, Duncan Lewis is pleased to announce the recent appointments of both Vinita Templeton and Bernadette Adusei as Directors of Immigration.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors’ Immigration Practices in London and Wales receive ‘Top Tier’ recognition by Legal 500 2016 for its Judicial Review and Asylum work (23 September 2016)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors received its first “Top Tier” Ranking award for its London Immigration Human Rights practice and maintained a “Top Tier” status for its Immigration Human Rights work in Wales. Solicitor Vinita Templeton, specialised in immigration judicial review, received elite “Leading Lawyer” status.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitor Sabina Angeli won complicated Tribunal Appeal for an Afghan interpreter who claimed asylum in the UK (12 September 2016)

The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of MJE^s appeal led by lead solicitor Sabina Angeli saw the Tribunal accept the appeal of an Afghan asylum seeker who arrived in the UK to escape from life threatening circumstances he faced from the Taliban.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Toufique Hossain speaking at Goldsmiths University Conference regarding migrant children (9 September 2016)

Accredited by the Law Society at 3(Advanced) of the Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme, Duncan Lewis Immigration Director Toufique Hossain will be attending as a speaker the Conference on New strategies and initiatives for the support of unaccompanied and separated migrant children at the Goldsmiths University on Thursday 15th September.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public Law team returns from Germany as part of an ongoing challenge to reunite an unaccompanied Afghan asylum-seeking child with his family in the UK (8 September 2016)

Nicholas Hughes and Lewis Kett have recently returned from a visit to a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors in Germany, where they are helping to reunite a vulnerable Afghan child with his surviving family in the UK. This is in relation to a legal challenge against the UK Government for failing to accept responsibility on an expedited basis for the asylum application of the unaccompanied child, as per the Dublin III Regulation. The Home Office’s refusal to act means that the unaccompanied child will be stuck in Germany for many months, increasing the mental anguish suffered as a result of the journey to Europe and the separation from his family.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

The DAC litigation: what was achieved, and where to go from here (7 September 2016)

On 10 August 2016 the Court of Appeal handed down Judgment in the case of R (TH, ZA and MNK) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWCA Civ 815 . Permission to appeal was refused, and it follows that the generic argument on the operation of the Detained Asylum Casework System advanced by the Appellants ends. The wider ramifications of this decision will have to be carefully considered in the light of individual case facts, but it will not necessarily prevent individuals from showing unfairness in terms of the application of rules 34 or 35, protected characteristics, prejudice or unlawful detention.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Calais Update: Duncan Lewis continues its work on behalf of Afghan Interpreters (7 September 2016)

Solicitor Lewis Kett, in the Public Law Team at Duncan Lewis, is working with charity Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research (RAPAR) in assisting two former Afghan interpreters for the British army who are currently stranded in the Calais “Jungle” in France.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

McKinley –v- The Secretary of State for Justice (CO/4061/2016) (1 September 2016)

The Applicant was detained on remand in Germany pending his extradition to the United Kingdom, following the issue of a European Arrest Warrant. Both domestic and European law require that remand days in Germany are to count towards a criminal sentence in the United Kingdom – this issue was agreed upon between both parties.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors working with Safe Passage to help refugee children in Calais (19 August 2016)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors have just come back from the Jungle in Calais where they are helping to reunite stranded refugee children with family members in the UK. In partnership with Safe Passage and with support from the Red Cross, Zofia Duszynska and Sondos Arafa join a team of British lawyers assisting children to achieve safety as soon as possible.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Summary of the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) route (18 August 2016)

The category of Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) under the Points Based System allows migrants to either enter or remain in the United Kingdom (UK) for a period of up to 5 years.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

A Member State of the European Union is not complying with its obligations under the Common European Asylum System (9 August 2016)

The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of Ibrahimi & Anor v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 2049 (Admin) led by the Instructing Solicitors Krisha Prathepan and Bahar Ata saw the High Court determine that a Member State of the European Union is not complying with its obligations under the Common European Asylum System and the return of asylum seekers to Hungary will result in significant breaches of protected human rights.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

When is it lawful for the Home Office to impose a curfew? (8 August 2016)

In the recent case of Gedi, R (On the Application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWCA Civ 409, the Court of Appeal declared that the Home Office had imposed curfew restrictions on an individual in circumstances where they had no power to do so. As a result, the appellant was deemed to have been falsely imprisoned, and is entitled to damages from the Secretary of State for the Home Department (‘SSHD’).  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Solicitors shortlisted for Law Society’s Excellence Awards 2016 in Business Development (5 August 2016)

Shortlisted for Law Society’s Diversity & Inclusion 2015 Excellence Award, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that they have been shortlisted for the prestigious Law Society’s 2016 Excellence in Business Development Award for the first time.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public Law Director Adam Tear shortlisted for Solicitor Advocate of the Year and Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2016 (4 August 2016)

Legal 500 “Top Tier” law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Public Law Director Adam Tear has been shortlisted for Solicitor Advocate of the Year and Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2016.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Immigration Director Toufique Hossain and assistant solicitor Rohena Wallace achieve Level 3 (Advanced) Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation (26 July 2016)

Legal 500 law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Public Law Director Toufique Hossain and the assistant solicitor Rohena Wallace have achieved the prestigious Law Society Level 3 Immigration and Asylum Advanced Accreditation.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Immigration Detention in order to bring a prosecution for non-cooperation with removal is unlawful (11 July 2016)

The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of Ibrahim, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 1347 (Admin) saw Duncan Lewis Immigration Solicitor Shahnaz Roshan representing a Sudanese national claimant who was subject to immigration detention following completion of his sentence for a serious offence. This case concerned an action for unlawful detention.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis in first High Court challenge against asylum seeker return to Austria under Dublin III Regulation (5 July 2016)

The recent Duncan Lewis judicial review case of Abdulkadir & Anor, R (on the application of ) v SSHD [2016] EWHC 1504 (Admin) saw the High Court consider for the very first time an asylum removal case to Austria under Dublin III regulations. Duncan Lewis Public Law and Immigration Solicitor Krisha Prathepan was lead solicitor in this challenge.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis’ Court of Appeal Judgment clarifies approach to be taken by Secretary of State in asylum certified cases (28 June 2016)

In the case of FR & Anor (Albania), R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWCA Civ 605, the Court of Appeal has given an important ruling as to the approach that needs to be followed by the Secretary of State in certifying asylum and human rights claims as “clearly unfounded” under section 94(3) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. The Court emphasised the need for the Secretary of State to give separate consideration to a claim for asylum, where she decides whether the claim should be refused, and the decision on the issue of certification. Certification is only possible where the claim permits of only one answer before a tribunal and would be bound to fail. On the facts of these cases, the Court quashed the certificates.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

In aid of Refugee Week, Duncan Lewis’s Director Toufique Hossain set to host “It Needs to Stop” discussion on the immigration detention of pregnant women (23 June 2016)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that in support of Refugee Week, Immigration & Public Law Director Toufique Hossain will be hosting a legal discussion on the detention of pregnant women in immigration removal centres from the company’s Harrow office on Friday 24th June at 4,30 pm. Speakers at the “It Needs to Stop” discussion currently include also Michelle Brewer, barrister at Garden Court Chambers, and Theresa Schleicher of Medical Justice.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Immigration Director Trevor Hatton achieves Level 3 (Advanced) Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation (16 June 2016)

Legal 500 law firm Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Immigration & Public Law Director Trevor Hatton has achieved the prestigious Law Society Level 3 Immigration and Asylum Advanced Accreditation.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

James Packer interviewed on LBC radio discussing the Brexit ‘leave’ campaign’s claims about EC law preventing the deportation of serious criminals (15 June 2016)

Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners recommended Public Law Director James Packer was interviewed on LBC radio as an independent legal expert on 7th June, following the debate between Chuuka Umunna and Dominic Raab on the Brexit ‘leave’ campaign’s claims about EC law preventing the deportation of serious criminals.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public Law Director Adam Tear appointed as a Level 3 (Advanced) Assessor under the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme (14 June 2016)

Recommended by Legal 500 in 2015 for his significant expertise in Public Law and Immigration matters, Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Director of Public Law Adam Tear has been appointed as a Level 3 (Advanced) Assessor in relation to the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Law Accreditation Scheme.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Immigration Solicitor Zafar Abbas Achieves Law Society Level 3 IAAS Accreditation (30 May 2016)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors are pleased to announce that Immigration Solicitor Zafar Abbas has achieved the prestigious Law Society Level 3 Immigration and Asylum Advanced Accreditation.  Read more...

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