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Immigration News

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Isa Muaza removed to Nigeria after out of hours court appeal refused (18 December 2013)

After a long legal battle, Isa Muazu has been removed by private charter to Nigeria following an out of hours court appeal being refused by Court of Appeal Judge.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Judgment handed down in country guidance case of BK (Failed Asylum Seekers) (16 December 2013)

Judgment today was handed down in the most important cases on the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] since the country guidance case of BK (Failed Asylum Seekers) DRC CG [2007] UKAIT 00098. P(DRC) and R(DRC) [2013] EWHC 3879 (Admin) was the test case on whether it is safe to remove criminal deportees and failed asylum seekers to the DRC in light of the current evidence concerning these two categories of returnees.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Isa Muazu oral hearing on adjourned to 12th December 2013 (6 December 2013)

The oral hearing regarding the case of Isa Muazu has been adjourned from the 9th to the 12th December 2013.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Isa Muazu Granted Stay of Removal pending the outcome of urgent oral hearing (5 December 2013)

Legal 500 recommended Duncan Lewis solicitors have gained stay of removal in the case of Isa Muazu.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public Law/Immigration Law Director Toufique Hossain BBC London News Appearance 02/12/2013 (3 December 2013)

Toufique Hossain, Public law/Immigration law Director of legal firm Duncan Lewis appeared on BBC London News on the 02/12/2013.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis injunction to stop removal of Isa Muazu refused by High Court and Court of Appeal Judges (29 November 2013)

Duncan Lewis Solicitors took on the case of Isa Muazu on Thursday 28th November 2013 filing an injunction to prevent his removal from the UK which was refused by the High Court Judge and the Court of Appeal  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public law/Immigration law Director Toufique Hossain BBC South East Today Appearance (27 November 2013)

Duncan Lewis Public law/Immigration law Director Toufique Hossain appeared on BBC’s South East Today on the 26/11/2013.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Director Adam Tear appointed to the Committee of the Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates (21 November 2013)

Adam Tear, Solicitor Advocate and Director of Public Law at Legal 500 2013 leading firm Duncan Lewis was appointed to the Committee of the Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates in November 2013.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Immigration Solicitor Vinita Templeton wins case preventing Fijan Veteran’s immigration detention and removal (20 November 2013)

The Queen on the application of Filimone Bulnatidrai Lacanivalu v SSHD

Vinita Templeton, immigration solicitor for legal 500 firm Duncan Lewis, won the case of Fijan war veteran Private Filimone Lacanivalu’s immigration detention and removal from great Britain.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Immigration Solicitor Vinita Templeton states in an interview to the BBC that Filipino Veteran’s detention and removal may be unlawful (15 November 2013)

Duncan Lewis immigration solicitor Vinita Templeton gave an interview on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire program on the 14th November 2013, regarding the unlawful detention and imminent deportation of Filipino veteran Pte Filimone Lacanivalu

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

daily mail dl (15 November 2013)

Fijian soldier who served in the British army
for nine years faces deportation after simple
mistake over paperwork 

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis win human rights case of unlawful detention of Sudanese national (13 November 2013)

Legal aid solicitors Duncan Lewis won the case of the detention of a Sudanese national. The Court of Appeal held that the Home Secretary acted unlawfully in detaining the man, who is a foreign national criminal, for a period of 8 months  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

What is Torture defined as for the purposes of detaining an individual under Immigration Powers (4 November 2013)

The Home Office’s own policy in relation to excluding persons from detention apparently makes it clear that detention is not appropriate for those in respect of whom there is independent evidence of torture.


Duncan Lewis:Immigration

What is Torture defined as for the purposes of detaining an individual under Immigration Powers (4 November 2013)

The Home Office’s own policy in relation to excluding persons from detention apparently makes it clear that detention is not appropriate for those in respect of whom there is independent evidence of torture.


Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Press Release – Duncan Lewis (16 October 2013)

Aziz Lamari v SSHD

Unlawful Detention – Secretary of State found in Contempt of Court – Award of exemplary damages – final award £25,000 to the Claimant.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

James Packer of Duncan Lewis is recognised by Chambers UK 2014 as a Leader in his Field (1 October 2013)

We are very pleased to announce that Public Law Director James Packer is to be recommended by Chambers UK in Immigration & Human Rights as a ‘Leader in his Field’ in the forthcoming edition of Chambers UK 2014  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Legal 500 2013 - 'Excellent' Immigration & Public Law Duncan Lewis Solicitors represent business and individual clients (1 October 2013)

We are very pleased to announce that the Legal 500 2013 UK Directory has recently praised Duncan Lewis^ Business Immigration & Immigration & Asylum Department as ^excellent^ and in particular have stated that: “the ‘excellent’ Duncan Lewis Solicitors represents business and individual clients.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis appoints Toufique Hossain as Director of Immigration (13 September 2013)

Duncan Lewis is extremely pleased to announce the recent internal appointment of Toufique Hossain as a Director of Immigration & Joint Head of Department based in the company’s City of London & Harrow branch.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis write to the High Court to raise concerns about delays in judicial review cases caused by the Home Office (8 August 2013)

The Secretary of State for Justice justifies restricting access both to Court and to legal aid for judicial review challenges on the basis that judicial review challenges are taking too long to decide.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis is running two cases in the Administrative Court challenging decisions to certify asylum claims and removal to France under the Dublin II Regulation (8 July 2013)

Duncan Lewis is running two cases in the Administrative Court challenging decisions to certify asylum claims and removal to France under the Dublin II Regulation. The Claimants in both cases are Non-Arab Darfuri Sudanese nationals.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duties of the Secretary of State on returns to ‘safe third countries’ (24 June 2013)

Under the Dublin II Regulation, the United Kingdom can return asylum seekers to another Member State where the asylum seeker have lodged a claim for asylum, and that the Member State shall be obliged to take back the responsibility of determining the claim.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis welcomes Vicash Ramkissoon back from KPMG as Director of Immigration Business (14 March 2013)

Duncan Lewis is very pleased to announce the return of Director Vicash Ramkissoon following his time with KPMG. Vicash, a specialist in Privately Funded Clients & Business Immigration returns to the Company to co-lead the Business Immigration Department with Ayan Yalchin & Mandip Hayre.

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis in Court Tussle Over Unrepresented Sri Lankan Charter Flight Returnees (6 March 2013)

The Country Guidance Case in relation to Sri Lanka MP (Sri Lanka) & Others is currently before the Upper Tribunal – IAC. Duncan Lewis is representing Tamils Against Genocide (TAG) as an Interested Party in the proceedings.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Whatever Legal Advice you need and in whichever area of Law, we at Duncan Lewis Solicitors can help and “give people a voice” (1 February 2013)

The word ‘Immigration’ crops up in endless conversations in our current climate, may it be at work, at home, with friends or family. A large majority of you reading this article will have needed, or known someone who has needed Immigration Advice at some time. However, any Legal Advice comes at a price that not many of us can afford.   Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Goes European with First Full ECtHR Judgement (30 January 2013)

Solicitors, Kat Hacker & James Packer deliver Duncan Lewis’ first full judgement in European Court of Human Rights as it tackles the issue of Disabled Persons and Article 3 ECHR Expulsion to Afghanistan. Press Release available shortly.  Read more...

Duncan Lewis:Immigration

Duncan Lewis Public Law team visit to Malta – Fact finding on returns to Malta for refugee (18 January 2013)

Asylum seekers who enter Europe and move from one country where they have sought asylum to another will, in general, be returned to that initial country. Duncan Lewis is currently challenging the UK’s decision to remove people to Malta. We challenge on the basis that removal would be breaching their human rights.   Read more...

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Duncan Lewis is the trading name of Duncan Lewis (Solicitors) Limited. Registered Office is 143-149 Fenchurch St, London, EC3M 6BL. Company Reg. No. 3718422. VAT Reg. No. 718729013. A list of the company's Directors is displayed at the registered offices address. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority . Offices all across London and in major cities in the UK. ©Duncan Lewis >>Legal Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Policy. Duncan Lewis do not accept service by email.