The Home Office have consistently argued that Permanent Residence can only be acquired by European Nationals from the ‘Accession States’ such as Poland 1 and Romania five years post the accession of their countries to the European Union. The logic is that they could not be residing ‘in accordance with the Citizen’s Directive’ until they were citizens of the EU; though this is controversial. Read more...
Pooja Verma and Najiyah Habib have recently completed their training contracts at Duncan Lewis and have been offered permanent roles in the Immigration department at the firm’s Harrow branch. Read more...
Duncan Lewis is proud to announce that two more members of the firm have been awarded level three immigration and asylum accreditation; James Packer and Jenna McKinney. Read more...
Duncan Lewis has an extensive team of immigration workers, consisting of immigration solicitors and specialists to provide help in a variety of different languages. All of our immigration team; solicitors, trainee solicitors and caseworkers will have completed their Law Society’s Immigration & Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS), which is mandatory to perform immigration related work for legal aid clients. Read more...
Duncan Lewis is proud to announce the growth of their immigration department with the addition of six more level 2 immigration accredited solicitors. Read more...
‘ZO’ was a lone, vulnerable, young single female who had suffered truly terrible treatment in her home country of Somalia. Refused asylum on an initial application, she submitted a second claim based on previously unavailable evidence. This claim, once considered, was highly likely to result in a grant of leave to remain in the UK. Read more...
An estimated 45,000 will be entitled to work in the UK as a result of the Supreme Court ruling in “ZO” – in a case brought by Duncan Lewis solicitors.Delays in the time it takes for the UK Border Agency (UKBA) to process asylum claims causes hardship to thousands. These hardships were exacerbated by the inability to find lawful work during the time spent waiting for a decision. Read more...
Duncan Lewis’ Immigration Department is set to expand across all six of their offices. More than 120 immigration solicitors, trainees and caseworkers make up the current Duncan Lewis immigration team to cover three of their offices; Hackney, Harrow and Shepherds Bush. Read more...
Who says hard work and determination don’t pay off? Naim and colleagues attended the Society of Asian Lawyers 15th Annual Ball at the Mariott Grosvenor Square. The night was well attended and an enjoyable night was had by all. Naim who joined the firm in 2003 qualified as a solicitor in June 2006 was presented with the award for Young Lawyer of the Year 2010 by the Vice President of the Law Society of England and Wales, Linda Lee, and the Chairman of the Society of Asian Lawyers, Sundeep Bhatia. He is currently a Partner and Joint Head of the Public Law department, based at the Hackney office. Read more...
On the 1st April 2008, a Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules came into force amending the general grounds for refusal of an application for Leave to Enter or Entry Clearance. The draconian reach of the new mandatory grounds for refusal has been subject to widespread criticism. Read more...