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Immigration Articles

Duncan Lewis Solicitors does not have direct involvement in the cases and events covered in these articles. These are articles that exist in the public domain and are used by Duncan Lewis purely for informative purpose.
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UK Border Force searches – what are your rights? (16 October 2019)

Immigration director Gabor Nagy answers some of the most pressing questions concerning searches by the UK Border Force  Read more...

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International students allowed to stay in UK after graduation for two more years (11 September 2019)

The government has announced that international students will be able to remain in the UK for a further two years after they graduate.   Read more...

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EU citizens in the UK allowed to stay until December 2023 in latest Brexit U-turn (5 September 2019)

The government has announced that EU nationals that arrived in the UK before the end of 2020 can stay until December 2023. The government had initially intended to end the free movement of EU nationals with immediate effect under a no-deal plan.  Read more...

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Zambrano carers can apply under EU Settlement Scheme (13 June 2019)

Since 1st May 2019, Zambrano carers - a person from a non EEA state whose residence is required in order to enable a British child or adult dependant to live in the UK – can now apply under the EU Settlement Scheme.  Read more...

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The Government introduces new statement of changes to Immigration Rules (18 March 2019)

On 7 March 2019 the government issued a statement of changes to the Immigration Rules in a 296 page document. These changes take effect from 30 March 2019. If you require assistance with any issue arising as a result of the changes to the Immigration Rules, or another immigration matter, immigration director Tamana Aziz can assist.   Read more...

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Proposals to simplify the Immigration Rules (6 February 2019)

After coming to the conclusion that the Immigration Rules are ‘highly prescriptive, too long and difficult to follow’ the Law Commission has suggested that the Immigration Rules are too complicated and has initiated a consultation to consider how the Rules can be made simpler.   Read more...

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All you need to know about the EU settlement scheme ahead of Brexit (30 January 2019)

As we are approaching Brexit EU citizens’ rights has been a particular topic of discussion. In a bid to ensure those currently residing in the UK are able to remain, the UK government has introduced the EU settlement scheme. In this article we discuss the key things you need to know.  Read more...

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