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Reuniting Refugees

Reuniting refugees with their family members


If you have been granted asylum you will have the right to be re-joined with your family members if possible. This could either be with family members that are already in the UK, or family members outside the country. Our specialised team of immigration solicitors and Immigration lawyers can help you assess what rights you and your family members have, and apply to bring your dependents here.


Legal aid may be available. Our immigration solicitors will be able to assess your case to see if you qualify for Legal Aid funding.


The Red Cross UK is a charity that does a lot of work helping refugees who have come to the UK. More information on how they may be able to help you once you have been granted asylum is available here:


For all Immigration related matters contact us online now.Contact Us

Call us now on 033 3772 0409 or click here to send online enquiry.
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